Love Wedding Repeat 📺 婚礼几样情

Love Wedding Repeat 📺 婚礼几样情


Bella's languages, It's also:


Love Wedding Repeat : la romcom ratée sur toute la ligne - CineReflex

Everything Okay?


Everything Okay? = Is everything OK with you? 你还好吗?
Everything OK? 你还好吗?

Yeah, just a bit of tummy trouble.


just a bit of 只是一点点
tummy /ˈtʌmi/ 肚子
  • tummy ache 肚子痛
tummy trouble 胃部不适, 肚子不舒服
  • I have a bit of tummy trouble,I need to use the toilet  我肚子不舒服,我得借用一下厕所
April is Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month! Here's what you should  know. - Gastroenterologist San Antonio

I was just worried you might miss your flight.


worried (that...) 担心的;担忧的
  • The police are worried that the man may be armed. 警方担心那个人可能携带着武器。
might /maɪt/(表示可能性)可能

No, I've got a few minutes.


I've got 我有
  • I've got a plan 我有一个计划
a few minutes 几分钟:表示一个不确定的短时间段

Can you believe how lucky your sister got?


Can you believe ___? 你能相信___?

1:is used to criticize something that you don't like.

  • Can you believe he didn't even call me back? 你能相信他都没回我电话吗?

2:you're surprised about it.

  • Can you believe how lucky your sister got? 你能相信你妹妹有多么幸运吗?

She gets sent off to Rome for work, and I get sent off to war-torn hellholes.


get sent off to 表示被派遣到某个地方去做某件事情。所以,“She gets sent off to Rome for work” 意思是她被派遣到罗马工作,这里的“get” 意味着被动或不得不去做某事的情况。
war-torn /ˈwɔːr tɔːrn/ 受战争严重破坏的;饱受战争蹂躏的
  • war 战争 torn 受…伤害
hellhole /ˈhelhoʊl/  a very unpleasant place 非常令人不舒服的场所,极端凄惨的地方

Well, I suppose if you're gonna be a war journalist, that might, more or less, be what you'd expect.


I suppose 我猜想,我认为:用于表示某种推测或假设
that might be what you'd expect. 这可能是你所期望的。
more or less 或多或少,多多少少

Okay, smartass.


smart ass <俚> 指一个自以为聪明、喜欢表现自己聪明的人。
always a smart ass 总是自作聪明

You know I have to admit that when Hayley told me her older brother that I was coming, I was pretty bummed.


you know used as a pause while speaking or while thinking of what to say next or how to say it(用于话语衔接)你知道, (用于提醒或解释)你知道…
admit /ædˈmɪt/ 承认
  • He admitted all his mistakes. 他承认了全部错误。
bummed /ˈbʌmd/ 不高兴的;失望的;
bummed face 不高兴脸

But it turns out you're not as irritating as I thought you'd be.


it turns out | it turns out that 结果证明...某事物或情况最终被证实或揭示出来。
irritating /ˈɪrɪteɪtɪŋ/ 烦人的,使人恼火的
  • I found her extremely irritating. 我觉得她极其令人恼火。
I thought you'd be 我以为你会
  • Because I thought you'd be happy. 因为我认为你会很开心。
  • I thought you'd be gone by now. 我还以为你们应该走了。
as irritating as I thought you'd be 你就像我想的那样令人讨厌

Wow. Uh, I think that's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.


Well, that's the nicest thing I've ever said to anyone, so…


Well, then I'm doubly honored. Thank you.


I'm honored.  我很荣幸
  • I'm honored to present Mr Brown. 我很荣幸向你们介绍Brown先生。
I'm very honored. 我非常荣幸
doubly /ˈdʌbli/ ( used before adjectives置于形容词前) 更加;越发;倍加
  • I made doubly sure I locked all the doors when I went out.我一再查看所有的门都锁好后才出的门。

You're welcome.


I don't think I've met anyone quite like you.


You're just a charmer, huh?


charm·er /ˈtʃɑːrmər/ a person who acts in a way that makes them attractive to other people 使人着迷的人;有吸引力的人
Quite the charmer, aren't ya? 很有魅力,不是吗?

No, I promise you I'm not. I'm a terrible, terrible charmer. Uh, I'm just being honest.


I'm just being honest 我只是实话实说

Just tell him to leave.


tell him to leave 叫他离开

You can't just turn up to a wedding uninvited.


turn up 到达或出现在某个地方,通常是意外或没有计划的方式 

Jack, you don't understand. He's saying that he's in love with me and he's threatening to go full-on psycho and ruin my wedding!

jack 你不明白他说他爱着我,他威胁说他要大打出手,搅乱我的婚礼

He's saying that 他说
be in love with sb 爱上某人
  • I'm in love with you 我爱上你了
threat·en /ˈθret(ə)n/ 威胁;恐吓
full-on /ˌfʊl ˈɑːn/ sth is done to the greatest possible degree(表示最大程度)完全的;最强烈的( informal )
  • I'm going to study full-on for this next exam. 我要全力以赴准备下次考试了。
psy·cho /ˈsaɪkoʊ/ (有暴力倾向的)精神病患者
go full-on psycho 彻底疯掉
ruin my wedding 毁掉我的婚礼

He's what?


I know. He's fucking nuts. And he's fucking coked up to his eyeballs!


nuts /nʌts/ crazy 疯狂
coke = coke co·caine /koʊˈkeɪn/ 可卡因
be up to sb’s eyeballs to be very busy with something 做…忙得不可开交…
  •  Don't bother her - she's up to her eyeballs in paperwork. 别打扰她,她正忙着文书工作。

All right. Okay. Don't worry. I'll... I'll get him out.


get sb out  把某人赶出去
get out! 滚开!

You can't! He's too volatile. God knows how he'll react.


vola·tile /ˈvɑːlət(ə)l/ ( of a person or their moods人或其情绪 ) changing easily from one mood to another 易变的;无定性的;无常性的
God knows  天晓得 
  • "Where is he now?"—"God knows." “他现在在哪里?”—“天晓得。”

This is the sleep medicine that I've been taking. Couple of drops of this, it would knock him out for hours. It's seriously strong.


drop /drɑːp/ 滴;水珠
  • drops of rain 雨滴
  • Couple of drops = A couple of drops 几滴
A drop of Rain by Luis Vasconcelos
knock sb out 打晕某人, 使某人失去知觉
for hours 数小时
ser·ious·ly /ˈsɪriəsli/ very; extremely 非常;极其
  • They're seriously rich. 他们极为富有。

But just use it sparingly 'cause it's the last that I have, ok ay?

省着点用 我就剩这么多了

sparingly /ˈsperɪŋli/ 一点点,俭省地
the last that I have 我就剩这么多了

Put it in your pocket. 


Just a quick question. 



Are you fucking mental? I'm not gonna roofie Marc Fisher.

你是不是疯了?我可一不打算给Marc Fisher下药

men·tal /ˈment(ə)l/ crazy 疯狂;发疯
roofie/ˈruːfɪ/ 药物俚语 表示rohypnol /roʊˈhɪpnɑːl/ 一种催眠镇静药,迷魂药

Bella's languages, It's also :
