Friends 📺 老友记 第一季 No.14

Friends 📺 老友记 第一季 No.14





Rachel: Well, you would be too if you found John & David boots on sale, 50% off!

John & David: 品牌名称
boot / buːt /: a strong shoe that covers the foot and ankle, and often the lower part of the leg (皮革、橡胶、布等制的)长統靴,靴子
The Best Winter Boots To Step Out In This Season | British Vogue
on sale: being offered at a reduced price 廉价出售;贱价抛售
Australia Dec retail spending nosedives in warning for economy | Reuters
on sale
50% off: fity percent off 打五折,半价(<例>off: taken from the price (減)掉,(扣)掉;折扣)
If It's Always On Sale, Is It Ever On Sale? - The Strategic CFO®

Chandler: Oh, how well you know me.

Rachel: They are my new 'I don't need a job. I don't need my parents. I've got great boots' boots!

Monica: How did you pay for them?

pay (for something): to give someone money for work, goods, services, etc. 为…而付钱;负担…的费用

Rachel: Uh, credit card.

credit card: a small plastic card that you can use to buy goods and services and pay for them later 信用卡
Credit Card or Cash - Uvita Information Center
credit card
