看《老友记》Friends 学英语: 第一季 Part 2

看《老友记》Friends 学英语: 第一季 Part 2



Ross: Hi. 嗨。

Joey: This guy says hello, I wanna kill myself. 这家伙说你好,我想自杀。

say hello: 打招呼,问好
I just want to say Hello 我只是想打个招呼
wanna=want to 想要
kill oneself: 自杀

Monica: You okay, sweetie? 亲爱的你还好吗?

sweetie: (also sweetie pie) used to address someone in awvay that shows affection 对亲人或爱人的昵称 (亦作sweetie pie)

Ross: I just feel like someone reached down my throat, grabbed my small intestine, pulled it out of my mouth and tied it around my neck. 我只觉得有人把手伸进我的喉咙,抓住我的小肠,把它从我嘴里拉出来,绑在我的脖子上。

feel like: 感觉像是
throat [θroʊt]: a passage in the neck through which food and air pass on their way into the body 喉咙
What causes your throat to be dry all the time? Is it serious? - Quora
throat 喉咙
grab: to take or hold someone or something with your hand suddenly, firmly, or roughily 猛地一把抓佳
small intestine [in'testin]: 小肠
  • Large intestine 大肠
What Is the Small Intestine's Function?
small intestine 小肠

Chandler: Cookie? (来点)饼干?

Cookie 曲奇饼干

Monica: Carol moved her stuff out today. 卡罗尔今天把她的东西搬出去了。

AIl: Ohh. 哦。
